Breast Augmentation

Our renowned breast enhancement specialists, Dr. Ashley Amalfi, and Dr. Peter Krasniak are respected by leaders in the field for their attention to detail and focused expertise. They perform all breast augmentation procedures at the Quatela Center, giving patients the reassurance that comes from knowing their surgeon has performed thousands of breast augmentations for a diverse array of patients. Dr. Amalfi, or Dr. Krasniak will begin your journey with an in-depth consultation to ensure you are a good candidate and feel comfortable, educated, and confident about your decision.

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Breast Augmentation

Whether you want dramatic cleavage, subtle enlargement, or enhanced symmetry, our breast enhancement specialists have the talent, skill, and experience to make your vision a reality. They help you attain the look you want using the latest silicone or saline breast implants or natural augmentation with fat transfer.

Recovery:2 to 5 days
Resume strenuous activities:3 weeks
Final results:3 to 6 months
Procedure Snapshot

Breast Augmentation
 Before & After Photos


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Benefits of Breast Augmentation

Any woman who wants larger, shapelier breasts may be a good candidate for breast augmentation. The benefits of breast augmentation at the Quatela Center include:

  • Increasing the size of naturally small breasts
  • Restoring breast volume after having children, weight loss, or aging
  • Enhancing upper pole fullness and cleavage
  • Balancing breasts of different sizes
  • Achieving a well-proportioned figure

With their beautiful, natural-looking results, our breast augmentation patients feel more confident and feminine in clothing, swimwear, and intimate settings.

Woman wearing black lace bra smiling
Woman wearing black lace bra side profile

Is Breast Augmentation Right for You?

Ideal breast augmentation candidates are women who meet the following criteria:

  • Are in good overall health
  • Have reached a stable, healthy weight
  • Want the surgery for their own reasons, not someone else’s
  • Have realistic goals and expectations about the results

During an in-depth consultation, Dr. Amalfi or Dr. Krasniak will help you determine if breast augmentation matches your unique needs and cosmetic goals.

Breast Lift vs. Augmentation

Many women are unsure of whether to have breast augmentation or a breast lift. There are distinct differences between these breast enhancement procedures, including:

  • Breast augmentation adds volume to the breasts and can correct asymmetry. 
  • Breast lift surgery addresses mild to significant sagging. It reshapes the breasts and areolas and elevates the breasts on the chest. A breast lift does not increase breast size and may even make the breasts look smaller.

Our surgeons often combine breast augmentation and breast lift surgery to add fullness and restore a more youthful position to the breasts.

Woman wearing white lace bra smiling
Breast Augmentation eBook by Quatela Center for Plastic Surgery
Your Guide to Breast Augmentation

Want to learn more about breast implants and breast augmentation? Download our free eBook, Your Guide to Breast Augmentation Surgery, for a comprehensive overview of the most important aspects of breast implant surgery. Topics in our eGuide include breast implant size, shape, and material, incision site, implant placement, risks and complications, plus a handy surgery prep list.

Submit the form below to receive a link to our free eGuide.

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Choosing the Right Breast Surgeon

The Quatela Center in Rochester is the choice for women who value safety and beautiful breast augmentation results. Many come here from Syracuse, Buffalo, and cities throughout Upstate New York. They also travel throughout the U.S. and worldwide to have our renowned specialists perform their procedures.

Dr. Ashley Amalfi


Dr. Amalfi is a board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in breast and body cosmetic surgery. Respected for her expertise and attention to detail, Dr. Amalfi often instructs industry leaders in the careful planning and execution of breast augmentation procedures and has presented at national conferences on advanced breast techniques. She is popular with patients who want more natural breast enlargements and attracts complex cases from outside the area. As a woman and mother, Dr. Amalfi develops a special bond with her breast enhancement patients and works alongside them to choose the right procedure and implant to achieve their unique cosmetic goals.

Get To Know Dr. Amalfi

Dr. Peter Krasniak


Dr. Krasniak is a highly trained plastic surgeon who completed a 6-year integrated plastic surgery residency and published research in patient-centered care. A specialist in breast and body surgery, Dr. Krasniak finds it gratifying to enhance his patients’ appearances and their physical and emotional comfort.

Get To Know Dr. Krasniak

Our Unique Breast Augmentation Consultation & Sizing Appointment

Consultations at the Quatela Center are thorough and highly personalized, lasting about 30 minutes to an hour. A member of our clinical staff and one of our plastic surgeons will meet with you to:

  • Review your medical history, including past medical conditions, current allergies, and medications, as well as your personal or family history of breast cancer and any other breast issues.
  • Ensure you’re at a healthy, stable weight that you can maintain.
  • Perform a brief physical examination to assess your current breast size and body proportions.
  • Listen to your goals, expectations, and desired results and ensure they are achievable.
  • Discuss any limitations of the surgery and all potential risks and complications.
  • Go over the recovery process and care after surgery.
Woman wearing white lace bra

Implant Sizing Session

Your consultation includes a detailed sizing session to ensure your implants are proportionate for your body type and meet your desired cosmetic goals.

  • We will take detailed measurements of your chest (circumference, distance between breasts) and your breasts (size, diameter).
  • You will have time to “try on” various looks by placing implants of different sizes and types in a stretchy bra to get a feel for how you could look.

If you are a good candidate for breast augmentation, your surgeon will create an individualized surgical plan, and a Patient Consultant will go over procedure cost, payment options, and scheduling.

Types of Breast Implants

Our surgeons use only FDA-approved implants, all of which have silicone outer shells. You must be at least 22 years old to have silicone-filled implants, the most popular choice at our practice. Saline-filled implants are available to patients age 18 and older. The best implants for you depend on your aesthetic goals and personal preferences. Options include:


Saline implants require the smallest incision because they are inserted rolled up and filled with sterile saline after placement. The surgeon can fine-tune the amount of saline in each implant while it is in place.

Silicone Gel

Silicone gel implants feel more like natural breast tissue than saline and come in a range of pre-filled sizes. These implants require a slightly larger incision than saline implants; using the Keller Funnel® minimizes incision length.

Gummy Bear

These highly cohesive silicone implants are firmer to the touch than other silicone implants. They are often called “gummy bear” implants because, like the colorful candy, they retain their shape when cut.

Natrelle INSPIRA®

These smooth, round silicone gel implants come in 3 levels of “gumminess” (firmness), 5 profiles, and a range of sizes for a fully customizable result. Because they are rounder and fuller than other implants, INSPIRA implants are a good choice for enhancing the upper breasts.


Highly natural looking and feeling, Motiva silicone implants have a biocompatible SmoothSilk® shell. They come in round and Ergonomix®, which is also round but forms a teardrop shape when the body is upright. 

What’s Different About Motiva Breast Implants? 

We are proud to be the first practice in the area to offer Motiva breast implants. While new to the U.S., Motiva breast implants have been used in 90 different countries since 2010. These silicone implants look and feel very natural because they have a smooth, thin shell and two types of soft, highly cohesive silicone fill material. 

To give each patient the personalized results she desires, we offer the following styles in Mini, Demi, and Full profiles: 

  • Motiva Round adds fullness to the breast overall, including the upper pole. These implants are filled with ProgressiveGel® PLUS, a highly cohesive silicone gel that keeps its shape however the body is positioned. 
  • Motiva Ergonomix® is a round implant that dynamically changes shape to enhance natural breast movement. Its adaptable ProgressiveGel® ULTIMA® silicone gel allows the implant to take on a teardrop shape when standing and maintain a round shape while lying down. Because the implant is round, it does not need to be oriented in a particular way like anatomical or shaped implants. 

Features exclusive to Motiva implants include: 

  • Biocompatible: The SmoothSilk® implant surface easily integrates with the body without causing inflammation or a foreign-body reaction. The result is a thin, soft capsule around the implant, low capsular contracture rates, and no reported cases of anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) as of 2024. 
  • Built-in quality control: BluSeal® technology gives the implant shell a blue hue and makes imperfections noticeable to the surgeon. 
  • Rupture resistant: TruMonobloc® technology bonds the implant shell to the silicone within so they move together, preventing leaks.  

For more information including videos from our doctors, see our blog post 5 Things to Know About Motiva Breast Implants

Saline vs. Silicone Breast Implants 

Fill materialSterile salt water  Silicone gel 
  • Natural fill material
  • Smallest incision required
  • Volume can be adjusted while the implant is in place
  • Less expensive than silicone
  • Lowest capsular contracture rate
  • Rupture easily detected
  • Look and feel like natural breast tissue
  • Filling stays together if ruptured (gummy bears)
  • Feel firmer than natural breast tissue
  • May ripple or slosh
  • More expensive*
  • Rupture not easily detected
  • Higher rate of capsular contracture*
Best for
  • Patients age 18 and up
  • Submuscular placement
  • Women with sufficient breast tissue or fat
  • Patients who are at least 22
  • Placement above or beneath the muscle

*Compared to saline implants 

Other Implant Choices


Breast implant sizes are measured in cubic centimeters (cc), not bra cup size. Our surgeons account for the base width of your breasts, existing breast tissue, and distance between your breasts and recommend a range of implant sizes that would be appropriate for your body. Because breast asymmetry is very common, you may need a different size implant for each breast.


Breast implants can have a smooth or textured shell (outer surface). Smooth implants, the most commonly used type, move around freely within the breast. Shaped implants have textured surfaces to prevent them from rotating.


Breast implants come in the following shapes:

  • Round: This is the most common shape because it increases overall fullness. Round implants do not need to be oriented in a particular way in the pocket.
  • Teardrop (shaped, anatomical): These implants, also called shaped or anatomical, replicate a natural breast shape that is thinner at the top and gently slopes outward toward the bottom of the breast. These implants have textured surfaces to help them stay oriented properly inside the breast.


An implant’s profile describes how far it protrudes (sticks out) from the chest wall. Implants of the same volume come in a range of profiles to fit various chest widths and cosmetic goals. While the names of implant profiles differ between manufacturers, they generally are:

  • Low: Protrudes the least and is wide at the base. This option is best if you have a wide chest.
  • Medium: Protrudes a moderate amount with a moderate width base. This profile increases overall fullness and is the most popular choice.
  • High: Protrudes the farthest and has the narrowest base.

Breast Implant Placement

Implants can be placed over or under the chest muscle (subglandular or submuscular), depending on your current breast volume, the quality of your breast skin, and other factors.

Breast Implant Placement Options

Before Surgery
Subglandular Placement
Submuscular Placement

Implant Placement Comparison 

Implant placedIn front of the chest muscle Behind the chest muscles Upper portion behind the chest muscle (submuscular);  lower portion on top of the chest muscle (subglandular) 
  • Optimizes upper breast fullness
  • Avoids implant animation deformity (chest muscle contractions)
  • Conceals implant edges
  • Natural appearance in thin patients
  • Provides a natural teardrop breast shape
  • Corrects mild sagging without a breast lift
Good forPatients with sufficient natural breast tissue to hide the implant border Patients of all types Patients who want the most natural look 

Your Breast Augmentation Procedure

Dr. Amalfi and Dr. Krasniak perform breast augmentation as an outpatient procedure at our private, onsite, accredited surgery center. While you will be released to go home on the day of surgery, you can choose to spend the night under medical supervision at our on-site Carriage House.

Once you are resting comfortably under general anesthesia, your surgeon makes an incision along the crease under each breast (inframammary placement) and creates a space, called a pocket, for each implant according to your surgical plan. Our surgeons use the inframammary incision technique because it gives them direct access to the surgical area and hides the resulting scar. The surgeon prepares the pocket and inserts each implant using a Keller Funnel® device for a safer, “no-touch” technique. When the surgeon achieves the desired breast size and shape, they insert a long-lasting local anesthetic and carefully suture the incisions closed.

Woman wearing white body suit

Breast Augmentation Recovery Timeline

While experiences vary, most breast augmentation patients recover along the following general timeline:

Day of surgery:

Return home in the care of an adult friend or family member. Long-acting local anesthetic will keep you comfortable for the first few days.

3 to 5 days

Return to work, school, and nonstrenuous activities. Swelling peaks.

5 to 7 days

Sensitivity of the nipples and incision sites subsides.

4 weeks:

Swelling fades.

6 weeks:

Resume high-impact activities without restriction.

3 to 6 months

Implants soften and ease into a natural position. Final results achieved.

6 to 12+ months:

Scars fade.

It’s important to listen to your physician pre-operatively and post-operatively; she/he has your best interests in mind throughout the recovery process.

Women wearing beige lace bra

Tips for a Better Breast Augmentation Recovery

  • Take short walks during the first 24 hours to increase circulation and prevent blood clots.
  • Minimize swelling by keeping your upper body elevated at all times.
  • Do not consume alcohol for 1 week after surgery or while taking narcotic pain medication.
  • Relieve nipple sensitivity by covering them with Band-Aids or pasties for the first few weeks.
  • Refrain from any uncomfortable arm or upper body movements.
  • Stay out of swimming pools, hot tubs, and other bodies of water for at least 2 weeks after surgery.

How Much Does Breast Augmentation Cost in Rochester, NY?

The cost of breast augmentation with implants in the Rochester, Buffalo, or Syracuse, New York, area varies, depending on your choice of implants and your specific needs and goals. After you consult with one of our exceptional plastic surgeons, you will receive an all-inclusive price quote that covers pre- and post-operative appointments, surgeon’s fees, surgery center fees, and anesthesia costs. For more information, see our page on Plastic Surgery Costs.

Complementary Procedures

For optimal improvement with a single surgery and recovery period, women often combine breast augmentation with other procedures, including:

Breast Lift

Removes stretched skin to restore curves and raises the breasts to a youthful position.

Tummy Tuck

Tightens sagging skin, repairs separated abdominal muscles, and reshapes the belly button.


Removes pockets of fat from the hips, belly, waist, thighs, and other areas.

Mommy Makeover

Combines breast and body procedures to reverse changes caused by pregnancy, breastfeeding, and weight changes.

If you are ready to meet with one of our breast and body specialists, request a consultation online, or call us at (585) 244-1000 to schedule your appointment.

Breast Augmentation FAQ

How painful is breast augmentation recovery?

There is very little pain associated with breast augmentation because of the refined, advanced techniques used by our surgeons. Their overall goal is to have no real downtime; most patients are surprised by how comfortable they are with minimal medication. In most cases, any discomfort is well controlled through appropriately prescribed pain medications.

How long do I have to wear the surgical bra after breast augmentation?

Post-surgical bra recommendations vary with the specifics of the surgery and the patient’s needs. In general: 

  • If you do not have a bra on after surgery, you don’t need one. You may wear a sports bra or a camisole with a shelf bra if that makes you more comfortable.  
  • If you have a bra on after surgery, you should wear it at all times for 3 weeks. You may continue wearing the same bra or switch to a sports bra of your choice.  

Do not wear a bra with underwires or push-up pads until cleared by your doctor. We suggest wearing bras that zip up or clasp in the front because they are easy to put on and remove during early recovery. 

How can I improve scarring after breast augmentation surgery?

While excessive scarring is uncommon, your surgeon will discuss your options for scar treatments. Keeping your incisions out of the sun for at least a year after breast implant surgery will decrease the potential for hyperpigmentation (redness).

What is natural breast augmentation?

Natural breast augmentation enlarges the breasts using the patient’s own body fat. This fat is collected with liposuction, purified, and injected into the breasts to add volume. This procedure, also called breast augmentation with fat transfer, provides a subtle change in breast size of about 1 cup size. Fat transfer can also be used to fill out and shape the upper breast and cleavage when combined with implants.

Do I need to have my breast implants replaced every 10 years?

No medical device is considered permanent; however, breast implants do not need to be replaced every 10 years. If you are pleased with your implants and not experiencing any issues, we do not recommend replacing them. Each Natrelle implant is covered individually in the case of rupture or deflation and carries a lifetime warranty. If this occurs within the first 10 years after surgery, the manufacturer may offer financial assistance to have them replaced.

How common are complications with breast augmentation?

The national average for breast augmentation complications is 15%; at the Quatela Center, it is significantly lower. Possible short-term complications include bleeding, infection, and problems with anesthesia. Possible long-term complications include capsular contracture (may be affected by implant placement) and breast implant illness (BII). During your consultation, your surgeon will talk with you about the risk of complications and ways to prevent them. 

When considering breast surgery, there are many benefits and risks to think about. The following documents are provided by the manufacturers of breast implants for patient education in accordance with the FDA. This information should be reviewed prior to your consultation. Our doctors are up-to-date in their knowledge about the science and safety of breast implants, and they will review these documents with you and answer any and all of your questions at your consultation.

Allergan Natrelle Patient Decision Checklist

Mentor MemoryGel Patient Educational Brochure

Motiva Patient Decision Checklist

How will breast augmentation surgery affect breastfeeding?

Our surgeons will not perform breast augmentation if you are currently pregnant, breastfeeding, or lactating. We recommend waiting 6 months after you stop breastfeeding before having a breast procedure. Breastfeeding can typically be done after breast augmentation as the production of milk is not compromised. Sometimes patients experience the loss of sensation in the nipples, in which case breastfeeding can be affected. 

What if I want to remove my breast implants later on?

Dr. Amalfi and Dr. Krasniak perform a type of revision breast surgery called explant surgery to remove breast implants without replacing them. They may recommend a breast lift as well to improve breast shape without implants.

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As a destination practice offering world-class care, the Quatela Center attracts patients from around the globe. Our virtual consultations and support program take the effort out of travelling for surgery.
