Top Trends for 2017
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Quatela Center for Plastic Surgery

nye-clockReady to put your best face forward for the new year?  If so, do it with confidence.  Learn more about some of the newest beauty breakthroughs in facial cosmetic trends for 2017.

Early Intervention/Prejuvenation

  • Begin maintenance programs in your 20’s and put the brakes on aging before it starts
  • Botox®, injectable fillers, corrective skin care treatments, and sunblock in your 20’s and 30’s
  • Judicial treatment when you are young prolongs the need for surgery
  • Small enhancements and tweaks maintain naturalness

Lip Enhancements


Introducing Volbella®

  • FDA-approved to provide lip fullness and soften appearance of lines around the mouth with results lasting up to 1 year
  • Diminish vertical lip lines (a.k.a. smoker’s lines)
  • Accentuate the border of your lips
  • Plump up your lips to make them fuller
  • Enhance the cupid’s bow (the “M” part of your mid-upper lip)

Needle-less Injections

  • New topical form of botulinum toxin (main ingredient in Botox®) is currently undergoing clinical trials for FDA approval
  • Would be used in same areas as Botox® (forehead lines, in between the eyebrows, and crow’s feet)
  • Currently investigating cream for under-the-eyelid fat and gel for the reduction of smile lines
  • More anti-aging options for needle-phobes in the coming years

The Liquid Facelift

  • Advanced techniques are now available to lift and contour facial features without surgery
  • Involves the use of advanced dermal fillers such as Radiesse®, Sculptra® and Juvederm® usually in combination with Botox® Cosmetic
  • Each injectable works in its own unique way to contour specific areas of the face
  • Each Liquid Facelift is customized to take into account different facial features and skin types, as well as collagen loss and skin laxity

Fat is the New Skinny

  • Volume is lost in the face as we age
  • Restoring volume loss is important to maintain a youthful, healthy look

Combination Treatments (1 + 1 = 3)

  • Combining treatments allows for a natural, comprehensive result that addresses the different signs of aging
  • Often uses injectable fillers, laser resurfacing, and corrective skin care (products, peels, microdermabrasion)


  • Platelets help heal tissue and grow new cells as well as contain active growth factors which can promote hair growth
  • Uses own blood, which is processed to only include platelet-rich plasma (PRP), and then re-injected into the face or scalp
  • It’s an effective, non-invasive, anti-aging option with minimal recovery and a lasting outcome
  • Micro-needling with PRP with the use of the derma pen manually resurfaces for smoother, firmer skin
  • Platelet-rich plasma can also be injected into scalp to naturally stimulate hair growth and make existing thinning hair thicker by strengthening hair follicles


  • A non-surgical way to break down submental fat (underneath the chin) with in-office injections
  • Contains deoxycholic acid, a natural compound found in the body
  • Only to be used for “double chin” area


For more information regarding any treatment or trend mentioned above, please call our office at (585) 244-1000 to speak to a Patient Consultant.

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