The Top 6 Procedures to Get Summer Ready
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-by Bridget Kyhos, Patient Consultant for Dr. William J. Koenig, double board-certified plastic surgeon

Considering summer is just around the corner, we compiled the best surgical and non-surgical procedures to pursue now in order to get you summer ready with only a few short weeks of recovery! Read below for our summer ready procedure guide.

Bikini Ready with Breast Augmentation and Liposuction

Breast Augmentation

A breast augmentation is a great procedure for patients looking to add additional volume to their breasts. Maybe you just purchased a new bathing suit, or have a summer wedding you are excited to attend, but aren’t sure how to fill out the bathing suit or dress? Look no further than a breast augmentation.

A breast implant will give you instant appreciable results with little downtime. It takes only 3 weeks to get you back into a normal workout routine with no restrictions on lifting, pushing, pulling, running, or jumping. Give yourself about 6 weeks between this procedure and your beach or pool vacation plans to ensure proper healing of all incisions.

Lastly, don’t forget your sunscreen. Sun exposure and UV light can lead to hyperpigmentation of your scars, leaving them looking worse off, or lengthening the time for them to properly heal. Sun can penetrate bathing suits or other summer clothing, so it’s important to ALWAYS wear SPF even when your breasts are covered.


Liposuction is the perfect procedure to tone up your stomach, love handles, arms, legs or any other area where you have stubborn fat. Not a weight loss procedure, liposuction helps removes fat and contour the body into the shape you desire. It’s important that you are at a stable and healthy weight before proceeding.

Downtime is minimal, and most patients return to work within a few days after the procedure. You can return to exercise as soon as you feel comfortable, as directed by your surgeon. If you have a beach vacation on the horizon or plan to kick it by the pool, you can fully submerge in water after the incisions, which are small, are healed (which is usually around the 1-week mark).

Compression helps maintain limited swelling, and bruising resolves around 3 weeks post-surgery.

The ideal candidate must have good skin quality, so if you have any excess skin or hanging skin, this procedure may not be the ideal one for you as liposuction removes the fat underneath the skin but does not remove or tighten the skin itself. Patient satisfaction is a priority to us, and our surgeons will be honest about the results you can expect and the best procedure(s) for your personal goals.

Guys, Show Off Your Bod Proudly with Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia (Male Breast Reduction)

Male breast reduction surgery, or gynecomastia, removes troublesome fatty tissue in the male chest area, which is extremely common. Men who have had the procedure comment that they are much more comfortable participating in sports, swimming, and removing their shirts, making this the perfect procedure to pursue before the hot summer months.

male breast reduction before and afters

Downtime is minimal, and restrictions on lifting, pushing, and pulling only last for 3 weeks. Compression to the area provides help with swelling and can be concealed under clothing. Sunscreen is important, and should be worn on any incisions whether they will be directly exposed to sunlight or not. This ensures proper healing and fading.

View the Gallery.

Say Goodbye to Cellulite!

Avéli® Cellulite Treatment

Concerned about your cellulite and want a smoother buttock and thigh area? Avéli is an in-office, minimally invasive treatment that addresses cellulite’s root cause, the fibrous connective tissue that causes cellulite depression due to tension between the skin and the structures below. The handheld device precisely identifies and releases these fibrous bands, also known as septa, so that the skin is no longer pulled inward, creating the dimple.

After Avéli, you can return to work within 2-3 days, return to the gym as soon as you feel up to it, and most bruising is resolved around 3 weeks. Compression helps with swelling, which can often be achieved with yoga pants or leggings. Results start to be visible around one month after the procedure.

Face the Camera for Summer Weddings and Trips

Deep Neck Contouring

Wildly popular, deep neck contouring has become one of the top procedures consistently requested at our practice. By combining multiple procedure, deep neck contouring creates a customized plan for each individual to address submental (under the chin) fullness, loose skin, a weak chin, and an undefined jawline and/or neck.

Downtime for deep neck contouring is 7-10 days post-procedure, with 2 weeks of no exercise. Most patients are back to work in 7-10 days, depending on how labor intensive the job is. We do want patients to wait 4-6 weeks before participating in water sports or submerging fully, but time outside and by the pool is permitted!

Once again, don’t forget that sunscreen! It’s very important to wear proper SPF every day, even if you aren’t outside for long periods of time, to ensure proper healing.

Freshen Up for that Youthful Summer Glow

Neuromodulators and Injectable Fillers

Popular all year round are neuromodulators, such as Botox, Xeomin, and Dysport, and fillers, such as Juvéderm, Radiesse, and Restylane. These quick, in-office procedures offer minimal downtime and a nice refresh due to the instant results (with fillers. Neuromodulators take up to two weeks to take full effect).

Neuromodulators can be used on:

  • Crow’s feet
  • Forehead
  • In between eyebrows
  • Chin

Fillers can be used in:

  • Lips
  • Lip lines
  • Nasolabial folds (from nose to corners of the mouth)
  • Tear troughs
  • Cheeks

Exercise should be avoided for 24 hours after treatment, and minimal bruising can occur in certain areas but is easily covered by makeup.

And you guessed it; sunscreen should be worn every day! Protecting your skin from premature aging due to sun damage will prolong your glowy results.

To learn more and schedule your appointment before summer, call (585) 244-1000 or contact us to speak to a Patient Consultant!

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