The Summer We’ve All Been Waiting For
The official community choice awards - Rochester: 2024 Winner

Thank You Rochester for Voting Us the Best Plastic Surgery Practice

woman at beach

-by board-certified plastic surgeon Ashley N. Amalfi, MD

It’s finally here! The long-awaited summer of 2021. With vaccine rollout underway, and restrictions loosening, there is so much to look forward to! There are celebrations, date nights, and even vacations on the schedule, and people are more excited than ever to look their best for their big post-quarantine reveal. We are seeing so many trends in both minimally invasive and surgical procedures as we get ready for the summer.

Preventative Botox

Preventative neuromodulators are one of the biggest of these trends. Patients in their 20’s and 30’s are requesting treatment with Dysport and Botox to their forehead lines and their “11’s” between their brows. Millennials are a generation who have already embraced all things beauty, skin care, and optimizing the aging process. Starting neuromodulators at a younger age has become a natural progression of this, with the goal of investing now so that they might age more gracefully. These patients come in for a few treatments a year, keeping their muscles weaker and their lines softer. If they continue with neuromodulators as part of their facial regimen, they are preventing the deep and problematic creases from even forming.

Lip Filler

As masks come down, lips plump up. Lip filler is a procedure that has been growing in popularity amongst the younger demographic well before the pandemic. But as the mask mandates loosen up, we are seeing patients of all ages requesting some rejuvenation of the lower face. We are doing tasteful hyaluronic acid fillers to the lips for aging women who are losing volume and definition. While not everyone is requesting the Kylie Jenner lips, the mouth has become a focus once again for our patients, and we are loving the results from the natural enhancements to the more voluminous pouts!


Surgical procedures are also booming in practices across the country. The COVID-19 gain has been a real part of quarantine for so many Americans. Liposuction has always topped the charts as a popular surgical procedure, and this year is no different. With so many Americans working from home and unable to go the gym, many are left unhappy with their bodies as the summer months approach. My patients are looking to erase the last year and get back to their pre-COVID bodies. Liposuction is the gold standard treatment for removing unwanted fat, and it’s a quick and relatively easy recovery for patients looking to address their problem areas.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation has been one of the most popular procedures of 2021. As we think ahead to summer, women who have been self-conscious in bathing suits and sundresses in years past are now decisive and ready to have their breast augmentations. For a surgery that takes under an hour and has a quick recovery, women are eager to get ready for the warmer weather.

I have seen such a shift in my patients and their desire to pursue surgery since the pandemic. What we have witnessed this past year and a half has forced so many people to reevaluate their lives and their priorities. The patients I see are more resolute than ever about what it is that they want and the importance of feeling their best and living their best lives. And if that means taking the plunge and scheduling a procedure or surgery that you have been dreaming of for years, call our office at (585) 244-1000 to speak to a Patient Consultant for more information!

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