Summer Surgery | Why You Don’t Need to Wait
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Quatela Center for Plastic Surgery

why you don't need to waitSummer.  Such a longed for and short-lived joy here in Rochester and Western New York.  Most of us have lists of outdoor activities that we want to squeeze in during these fleeting weeks of warm weather.  Your plastic surgery plans may have been pushed aside by these sunny days, but summer is as good a time as any to pursue cosmetic procedures.  It’s a common misconception among patients that surgery cannot be done during the summer months, when in reality, the time of year will not affect surgical outcomes or your healing process.

Are you a teacher or someone who has time off during the summer?  Now is the perfect time to have surgery without having to use up your paid time off or vacation days, or have to explain to co-workers why you were out.  Are your kids busy with summer camp or all-day activities?  The extra time during the day gives you the time you need to recover peacefully…at least until they come home for dinner.

For body procedures such as liposuction or tummy tuck surgery, while you will have to wear a garment for 3-6 weeks (depending on the procedure), these garments are lightweight and easily concealable underneath clothing.  The summer months generally bring higher temperatures (though in Western New York, you never know!), however this garment should not cause you to be uncomfortably warm.  Recovery for breast augmentation surgery is minimal, with most patients feeling well just a few days after the procedure.  Since many patients are more comfortable not wearing a bra for a few weeks after surgery, why not lounge by the pool in a new bikini (just don’t swim until your surgeon gives you the go-ahead)?

Another worry for patients, especially those interested in facial surgery, is about increased sun exposure.  Regardless of the time of year, it’s important to protect your skin from the sun after surgery.  This is no different in the winter when the sun’s rays reflect off the snow or come through your windows or sunroof when driving.  So while you need to ensure that you are using proper sunscreen and sun protection, this is true every day of the year for the health of your skin, regardless of whether you’ve had surgery or not.  Don’t let the sun stop you from moving forward with surgery if you are ready otherwise.  Besides, you never know; it may be raining multiple days in a row while you recover!

Interested in learning more about the procedures available or scheduling a consultation?   Call our office at (585) 244-1000 to speak to a Patient Consultant.

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