Staying Connected
Woman watching webinar on laptop at home

-by Brooke Laundry, Patient Consultant for Dr. Vito C. Quatela, double board-certified facial plastic surgeon

Dr. Quatela and the Quatela Center for Plastic Surgery operate on a philosophy that education is key for all of our patients and potential patients so that they can make the proper decision about cosmetic procedures for themselves. It also keeps patients in the loop about the ever-changing landscape of options. But in light of COVID, how do we do this now in a safe and socially-distanced way?

Informative Seminars

We have always held seminars, small, intimate gatherings on isolated topics meant to immerse patients in certain procedures, at our historic Lindsay House facility. Space was limited, but it allowed us a way to have an educational session with a smaller group of people on a casual basis. The topics would range from on isolated procedure, such as rhinoplasty, to a more general overview of the aging face, and it was a way for people to understand our philosophy and meet and get to know our doctors and staff a bit better.

Flash back to the summer of 2020, and we had fully resumed our surgical procedures and patient consultations after a brief physical closure. There are new procedures and exciting options being offered. How can we stay connected with our patients when we can’t hold an in-person event?

Utilizing Technology to Stay Connected

As we have all come to see in the daily work-from-home grind or telehealth appointments, it is possible to stay engaged and make progress virtually. The age of video conferencing platforms has allowed us to bring our seminars to a whole different level, yet still keep the small, intimate, personal feel of the Lindsay House events. Webinars now allow individuals to learn and engage from the comfort of their own home (perhaps in pajamas!), and get a glimpse into what facial aging or contouring concerns may be possible to correct or improve (many concerns are a side effect of the “Zoom boom,” the increase in cosmetic surgery tied to the universal use of Zoom and video conferencing more often). We can now host a webinar and bring hundreds of people together within our local community and beyond. We have the ability with these platforms to record the discussion and send it to people who were not able to log on, or who simply want to review all that was said during the 45-minute block. Another feature that I, as Dr. Quatela’s Patient Consultant and the host of his webinars, find particularly helpful is the ability for people to ask questions in the moment with the chat feature. Often at in-person seminars we would find that people were hesitant to raise their hand to ask a question. Now, I can answer questions immediately.

We have come to embrace technology, and even though at this time we can’t physically hold a seminar at 973 East Avenue, webinars allow our patients to remain connected, engaged, and educated in the “new normal.” And on a positive note, we can see each other’s mask-less smiling faces!

If you are interested in learning about upcoming webinars, please join our email list by calling (585) 244-1000.  You may also request the recording of our most recent webinar, Facial Aging with Dr. Quatela.

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