Go Green with your Morning Routine
green smoothie

-by board-certified plastic surgeon Ashley N. Amalfi, MD

smoothie ingredients

As a physician, health is an all-encompassing word that defines all aspects of my physical and emotional well-being.  During this time, it is critical that we do all we can to care for ourselves and boost our immune systems to stay healthy and thrive.  Given the current climate, we have so little control over what is happening around us.  It is the perfect time to focus on ourselves, our diets, our habits, our mental health, and to create healthy new habits that will carry us beyond this pandemic to the brighter days ahead.

As many of you may know, I start each day with a green smoothie.  Starting your morning with a healthy routine is critical to set the tone for the rest of your day.  Don’t let the color deter you.  We have some secret ingredients that will give this Ninja Turtle-colored drink a crisp and refreshing kick that will keep you coming back for more, day after day.

Dr. Amalfi’s Green Smoothie with a Kick

  • 1 cup roughly chopped spinach or kale
  • 1 cup of almond milk  
  • 1 cup of frozen mango and pineapple, mixed
  • 1 tsp of freshly grated ginger
  • ½ avocado (optional, but adds creaminess to the smoothie)
  • ½ of a lemon, juiced
  • 3 leaves of fresh mint 

Spinach is my go-to green for smoothies because it’s virtually tasteless…even to my kiddos.  It is packed with vitamins and minerals, including potassium, magnesium, and B and C vitamins and calcium.  Feel free to substitute with kale or other leafy greens if you don’t have fresh spinach on hand.

Almond milk is low in calories and sugar, but has the benefits of calcium, vitamin D and protein when added to your smoothie.  Remember to choose an unsweetened option to add to your Instacart list.

Mango and pineapple are some of my favorite fruits that I choose to balance out the taste of this green smoothie.  These anti-inflammatory fruits also contain Vitamins A, B, C, zinc and fiber, and aid in digestion.

Ginger is something I add to many of my meals, including my morning smoothie.  Grating a little of this fresh root has anti-inflammatory properties and can also aid in digestion.  But in your smoothie, it will add that nice little kick that makes this oh-so-refreshing.

Blend all of the above ingredients and enjoy!  We know the grocery store runs are few and far between these days.  Don’t worry if you don’t have all of the ingredients.  With smoothies, you can easily make substitutions and have fun creating.  That’s what makes smoothies such an easy and great choice.  Feel free to add additional fruits and veggies, protein powders or other favorite ingredients and please share your results with us.  Happy blending, and stay safe and healthy friends!

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