Eyebrow Transplants: Top FAQ’s about this unique procedure
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Quatela Center for Plastic Surgery

eyebrow transplants pinterestIn addition to offering both Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE, also known as the NeoGraft® system) for hair restoration, the Quatela Center for Hair Restoration also performs eyebrow transplants.  Individuals with partial or complete loss of one or both of their eyebrows are possible candidates for the procedure.

Using artistic ability and hair transplant expertise, Dr. Quatela and the hair team ensure that each hair graft is placed at a natural angle and direction of growth to restore your natural eyebrow shape for beautiful results.

Interested in learning more?  Below are some frequently asked questions about the eyebrow transplant procedure.

Q: What causes eyebrow thinning or loss?

A: There are many causes of eyebrow thinning or loss.  These can include genetics, excessive plucking, disease, and physical trauma.

Q: How long before my eyebrows will appear full?

A: Growth of new hair will be seen after a few months, and results will continue to improve for up to a year after the procedure.

Q: What is the recovery time for an eyebrow transplant?

A: Recovery for an eyebrow transplant is minimal.  Strenuous activity will be restricted for seven days after the procedure, however many patients are able to return to work after 24 hours depending on the nature of their job.

Q: Is my own hair used to create my eyebrows?

A: Yes, a small amount of hair will be taken from your scalp and then transplanted into the area of loss.  The position of the eyebrow is artistically designed and the grafts placed at specific angles and directions of growth so that it will mimic the existing eyebrow.

Q: How long does the procedure take?

A: The procedure time is depended upon the amount of work to be done, and how well the individual follows pre-op instructions.  We ask that you plan to spend the day with us when you are having a hair or eyebrow transplant.

For more information about eyebrow and hair transplants, please call the Quatela Center for Hair Restoration at (585) 244-1000 or visit our website at QuatelaHair.com.

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