Dr. Koenig featured on Radio 95.1 Wease show 9.15.16
The official community choice awards - Rochester: 2024 Winner

Thank You Rochester for Voting Us the Best Plastic Surgery Practice

Quatela Center for Plastic Surgery

Did you miss Dr. Koenig‘s interview on the Radio 95.1 Wease morning show on September 15th?  Dr. Koenig discussed the Quatela Center’s recent distinction as a Top 250 practice in the country, the misconception about allergies to breast implants, and our upcoming event at Casa Larga.  Hear the full interview below.

Wease 0:00
Dr. Koenig is here from the Quatela Center. They’ve recently won an award naming them in the top 1% of this practice in the country. I’m telling you that Rochester, everybody I know that’s been lucky enough to, like move to Florida and other places, all bemoan missing the healthcare in Rochester. We got, I’m telling you, we got the best doctors of all kinds of stuff. And I know people that, a good friend of mine, they already got to if anything ever happens, he’s jumping on a plane immediately. He ain’t staying in Florida, where I don’t know what goes on. Anyways, congratulations on the award.

Dr. William Koenig 0:46
Well, thank you. It’s a great award. There’s so many practices who do, you know, what we do. You know, breast implants and fillers and Botox and all that kind of stuff. But to be in the top 1% is a huge thing. It’s great for Rochester, because you know, we, the more you do, obviously, the better you get at it. And if you’re doing that kind of quantity in a small place like Rochester, it’s great for the community.

Wease 1:06
People fly in though, right?

Dr. William Koenig 1:07
We get a lot of you know, we get certainly we go to New York, a lot of people come in from New York City. We get a lot of people from Buffalo and Syracuse, and then people you know, for Dr. Quatela particularly with his revision rhinoplasties people come in literally from all over the world for him to do that for them.

Wease 1:22
Please excuse me, I know the word, not positive what it means.

Dr. William Koenig 1:27
Rhinoplasty is a nose job. So someone goes somewhere else gets a nose job, and they kind of mess it up. And then they look, they look kind of awful. And kind of you know, almost ridiculous. And it’s very difficult to fix that.

Wease 1:38
How can you fix a bad one?

Dr. William Koenig 1:39
Yeah, you know a lot of times…That’s, that’s the problem. Exactly, it’s kind of like the botched thing. So, you know, we kind of do a lot of that. We get people who’ve been botched elsewhere, and they kind of come in.

Wease 1:50
So what happens?

Dr. William Koenig 1:51
For the nose, you know, it’s a very delicate structure, and it has bone and there’s some cartilage. But if you take too much away, you basically it’s almost irreparable without getting material from other places. So Dr. Quatela will take cartilage from the ear, a rib, he will take a rib and yeah, honest to God, like Michael Jackson. Yeah, that kind of thing. So, so it’s really a very, very, very specialized surgery that he’s, you know, one of the few in the country who does just an amazing job with that.

Wease 2:18
Well, I got a big question. This could be a miracle. Do you guys do any ear stuff?

Dr. William Koenig 2:24
Yep. We do a lot of ear, well Dr. Quatela does ear, so our practice he does, you know, facelifts, he does rhinoplasties, and he does ear surgery. Whereas I do basically breast augmentation, tummy tucks, liposuction, stuff like that. So he’s from the head down, or rather from the head up, and I’m from the head down.

Wease 2:40
Because I got some ear problems.

Dr. William Koenig 2:42
Do ya?

Wease 2:42
Strange ones, and I think if the guy knew how to go in there, I want bigger holes.

Dr. William Koenig 2:46
Bigger holes? I’ve never heard that.

Wease 2:50
Yeah, well, bigger holes in my ears. I mean, this is weird. But I you know, I had the radiation in my face, and they said it could make me deaf and it sorta has, so I got great hearing aids, from Dr. Heart at the Heart Hearing Center. But every now and then the left one shuts off, right while I’m, right in the middle of stuff. But if I push it, move my ear around, it opens up. And I keep thinking if some dude could cut me around in there, maybe you change it, because why can I push my finger? Isn’t that weird?

Dr. William Koenig 3:20
Yeah, that yeah, that’s kind of weird. That wouldn’t be Dr. Quatela.

Wease 3:23
Yes it would. I want him to make me a bigger hole.

Speaker 3 3:26
So you want the hearing aid to be in your head? Is that what you’re, you want it pushed in even deeper?

Wease 3:31
No, no, I just want the hole bigger so because I honest to God, I stick my, when it goes off, I stick my finger and play around, all of a sudden it opens up.

Dr. William Koenig 3:41
Did you get radiation up there? You get radiation up there?

Wease 3:44

Dr. William Koenig 3:44
Oh, yeah. That’s the problem is when something’s been radiated, it’s, you don’t really want to operate on it because the tissue is not going to heal particularly well. So it’s, you gotta be careful with what you ask for.

Wease 3:54
I have the weirdest disease, because of what I do for a living. It’s called radio necrosis. You can look it up, because they believe my ears bleed all the time. From the radiation to something in there, is radio necrosis, and nobody knows how to fix it. So I gotta get something made, their fixing everything.

Speaker 4 4:18
Dr. Koenig, I know you can’t say names. But have you ever had anyone famous come in?

Wease 4:24
What’s the point, if you ain’t gonna say?

Dr. William Koenig 4:27
I can neither confirm nor deny that.

Speaker 4 4:30
Kind of like, you know, they come in hidden or something. They come in secretly into Rochester.

Speaker 3 4:35
Okay, fine, I got implants.

Dr. William Koenig 4:38
We do have a back door that people can sneak in without going through the waiting room. If that gives you a hint, I guess.

Speaker 4 4:43
Oh, wow. Interesting.

Wease 4:46
That’s where I’m gonna go when I get my ear holes. Anyways, there was an article recently, in the friggin New York Post of all things. I’m sure Marianne knows this guy. You know this kid, Bobby Flay.

Speaker 3 5:00
Yeah, he’s a chef.

Wease 5:01
You probably a big fan of Bobby Flay.

Speaker 3 5:03
Yeah, I like watching him. He’s a redhead, sparky.

Wease 5:06
His XO lady, you know her by any chance, Stephanie Marks?

Speaker 3 5:10

Wease 5:11
The broad went to the wrong joint. She didn’t come to Rochester. She got some breast implants. And she claims she was allergic to ’em. It was in the New York Post.

Speaker 3 5:20
Yeah, I saw that.

Wease 5:21
Dr. Koenig says, you can’t be, she’s lying. What do you think?

Dr. William Koenig 5:26
Well, it’s actually interesting. I see a lot of patients for breast augmentation. And a lot of times they will have this fear in the back of their mind that I’m allergic to, could I be allergic to these? And I’d say probably, ya know 10% of women will ask me that question, which is kind of interesting. I think it goes back to, you know, the 90s, when and I don’t know if you guys remember when Connie Chung was on the news complaining about her breast implants and saying that they were causing all kinds of problems.

Wease 5:50
I’m a Connie Chung fan. She’s been on this show, and I never remembered a boob story.

Dr. William Koenig 5:55
Yeah, she had, she had, she was all over the news with that. Anyhow, the bottom line is back in the 90s, we didn’t have the data that showed how safe implants were. Since the 90s, the implants are now the most highly studied medical device in history. Yeah, I can tell you with good certainty, that they don’t cause allergies, they don’t cause cancer. They don’t cause autoimmune diseases like lupus and stuff like that. They’re, they’re safe. They’re safe devices, you could have problems with them and when I read this article about this, Bobby Flay’s girlfriend, you know, she basically sounded like she had an infection in her implant, which has nothing to do with being allergic to the implant and just, you can get an infection, certainly. It’s very rare, but you can get an infection in an implant, but you don’t really get an allergy because silicone, you know, as you know, silicone’s in hips and

Wease 6:39
Isn’t there, what is that bag right there?

Dr. William Koenig 6:41
That’s the silicone gel breast implant.

Wease 6:43
Is that the current?

Dr. William Koenig 6:45
Yes, it’s probably a little older model, because it’s not, the silicones now are very cohesive, meaning that they’re not liquidy at all. So they’re, they stick together. So even if you had a hole in it, it really the silicone does not leave the implant, it kind of sticks together.

Wease 6:59
Oh, that’s great.

Dr. William Koenig 7:00
Which is nice. Yeah, they’ve definitely gotten safer over the years, and

Wease 7:04
So they’re not gonna leak?

Dr. William Koenig 7:06
If, even if they have a hole in it, they probably won’t leak far away. If you have a hole in it, you should replace it, if you know about it. But most of the time, if your implant has a hole in it, you wouldn’t know it, it would be completely silent. They would look and feel exactly the same as they did before.

Wease 7:19
Where’s this stuff go?

Dr. William Koenig 7:21
It just stays. So when you put something foreign, and that’s why I’m saying you can’t have an allergy to silicone because basically, when you put a silicone implant in, your body recognizes it as being not you, it’s foreign. So it’ll make scar tissue around it. And that scar tissue, you know, contains the implant because it’s not normal tissue. So basically, it will mean

Speaker 3 7:42
But you can get an infection, right?

Dr. William Koenig 7:43
You can get an infection around the implant. Yes.

Wease 7:46
You can get infection from every surgery.

Dr. William Koenig 7:48

Wease 7:49
Every surgery. Can you tell us about what you guys are going to do at Casa Larga?

Dr. William Koenig 7:54
Yeah, so we have a great, great event coming up on October 10. We run these annually at the Casa Larga Vineyards, and basically Dr. Quatela and I are going to kind of talk about our experience. We’re going to do it this year, because it’s about 20 years. We’re gonna talk about our 20 year experience with, he’s going to talk about facelifts and noses, I’m going to talk about implants and abdominoplasties. And we have just this huge number of patients, when we kind of went back and looked he’s done about 2500 rhinoplasties, 3000 facelifts, I’ve done like 1000 tummy tucks and 2000 breast augmentations.

Wease 8:24
I’ve seen one of your tummy tucks. Nice looking piece.

Dr. William Koenig 8:29
But we’re gonna kinda look at our, but the numbers we have coming out of our practice are huge. You know, because we just have, we do a lot of surgery and it’s almost all basically cosmetic stuff.

For more information on breast and body surgery at the Quatela Center or to RSVP for Casa Larga on Monday, October 10th, please call our office at (585) 244-1000.

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