Considering a Facelift? Here are Some Benefits
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-by Brooke Laundry, Patient Consultant for Dr. Vito C. Quatela, double board-certified facial plastic surgeon

What is a Facelift?

Everyone has heard of the term facelift, but not everyone understands what a facelift is meant to improve. A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure meant to improve and reduce the visible signs of aging on the lower third of the face and neck. Facelifts can address:

sagging facial skin, fold lines between the nose and mouth, jowls, neck fullness (sometimes referred to as a double chin or "turkey neck")

Benefits of a Facelift

Watching any TV program, movie or TikTok video, you will most likely see someone who has had a facelift. In some cases, the perception is that the surgery made them look noticeably different. Understandably, many people are concerned about how a facelift may change their appearance. While there is truth to the idea that a facelift may (and likely will) alter your appearance in some way, when done right, these benefits and changes are positive.

Facelifts Target Many Signs of Aging in One Step

The natural aging process results in a variety of different changes to the face. Gravitational, textural, and volume changes are typical. Facelifts can restore your youthful appearance by targeting these various signs of aging, resulting in a tighter appearance of the face and neck. A facelift can help address sagging skin, deep wrinkles and creases between the nose and mouth, wrinkles extending from the mouth to your chin, a double chin, and issues with excess fat, all in one surgical procedure.

  • Jowling: For some, unsightly jowls may be the item they most want to “fix.” A facelift can provide a tighter, slimmer jawline. By recontouring the jaw and upper neck areas, a facelift can firm up sagging areas making your jawline appear youthful again.
  • The ability to create a nice neck contour: A very common complaint when we age is the lack of definition within the neck. This is due to excess skin, but also extra volume as well as muscle changes within different structures in the neck. A facelift will remove excess skin and tighten the neck and facial muscles to reduce sagging and restore a smooth, youthful appearance to the face.
  • Facelifts help soften deep wrinkles: A facelift (and associated procedures such as dermal fillers) can help reduce the appearance of deep wrinkles, especially those that form between the nose and mouth and those that form between the mouth and chin.

What is the Right Age for a Facelift?

Contrary to popular belief, one does not need to reach a particular season in life to be an ideal candidate for a facelift procedure. Although the most common age for patients to have a facelift procedure is between 50 and 65, anyone with sagging skin or unwanted wrinkles can get a facelift. The benefit of seeking out a facial plastic surgeon is that there are several techniques and not every patient will need the same exact thing. Procedures are tailored to each individual’s goals and needs.

Facelifts are Often Combined with Complementary Procedures

There are many different surgical options to improve aging concerns and quite often patients decide to treat other areas at the same time to create a cohesive look. Addressing aging upper eyelids or lateral brow heaviness are commonly done on the same surgical date.

Natural-Looking Results

While it is impossible to “naturally” turn back the clock, a facelift procedure can naturally reinvigorate your appearance. Facelifts of old previously resulted in overly tightened skin or an appearance that indicated that they had “work done.” Modern facelift procedures skillfully tighten the skin to restore a more youthful appearance and natural-looking contours without a “joker” appearance. After a facelift procedure, you will still look like you – just younger!

Ready for Your Facelift?

To learn more about facelifts and whether it is the right procedure for you, contact us for a consultation. You will be guided by one of our Patient Consultants and double board-certified facial plastic surgeons to design the right plan for you. We often utilize our computer imaging system to give you a glimpse of the options and to also explain with greater detail what the procedure entails, so that you feel fully educated and prepared.

Call (585) 244-1000 or contact us through our website to request your personal consultation. 

4 Responses to Considering a Facelift? Here are Some Benefits

    • Ashley Leathersich says:

      One of our Patient Consultants would love to speak to you further about the recovery process and cost. Please contact us directly at 585.244.1000 or via the contact form on our website with the best phone number and email address to reach you by, and someone will be in touch! Thank you!

    • Ashley Leathersich says:

      Thanks for your question! I have shared your comment with one of our Patient Consultants, who will be in touch shortly to provide cost information. Thank you!

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