Choosing Your Board Certified Surgeon Wisely
The official community choice awards - Rochester: 2024 Winner

Thank You Rochester for Voting Us the Best Plastic Surgery Practice

Quatela Center for Plastic Surgery

pinterest choose your surgeon july 2015Recently, we have had an increase of calls from patients who have had surgery performed elsewhere and who are now dissatisfied with their results or require medical assistance with post-surgical complications.  Some of these patients have gone to a doctor in another city, state or even a different country.

We understand that choosing a surgeon is not always cut and dry.  One of the main factors for patients is price.  However, we all know that cheaper is usually not better.  There are regional differences depending on where you live, but many times the price reflects the surgeon’s experience and expertise, along with the quality of their facility and staff.

An issue that can arise for patients who travel a distance to go to another doctor is that oftentimes they do not have a comprehensive post-operative care schedule.  If complications occur, one needs to be prepared to handle those issues.  Depending on the severity of the complications, travel might not be an option which makes it difficult to get medical care from the doctor who originally performed the surgery.

We often find patients in this scenario.  While we pride ourselves on excellent patient care and are happy to help, we would prefer not to see patients go down this path in the first place.

We want to take this opportunity to inform our patients and educate them on issues they need to consider when choosing a surgeon. We encourage patients to choose board certified surgeons who specialize in cosmetic surgery.  While it may cost you less upfront to go elsewhere, having to repeatedly fix something or endure multiple surgeries versus one only costs you more in the long-run.  Patients who have been “botched” spend exponentially more than those who had an excellent result in the first place.

Find a surgeon who has satisfied patients, great online patient reviews, impressive before and after photos, and who can speak to your safety.   A dedicated surgeon might even sometimes say that you aren’t a candidate for a procedure or will recommend something different than what you may have thought would work for you.  Your safety and satisfaction as an individual patient is what’s most important to them.

Dr. Quatela’s mantra is, “There are no shortcuts to quality.”  Don’t short-change yourself when it comes to your health and safety.  Plastic surgery is safe and life-changing, but let it change your life for the better.

To learn more about Drs. Quatela and Koenig, their credentials, and how they may be the right board certified surgeons for you, visit or call (585) 244-1000 to speak to a Patient Consultant.

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