Capsular Contracture: The Best Patient is an Informed Patient
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Quatela Center for Plastic Surgery

Have you been wary of breast implants due to hearing about capsular contracture?  Wondering what it really means for you as a patient?  At the Quatela Center, we feel that an informed patient is the best patient.  Read below for more information on this condition and to learn how Dr. Koenig operates to ensure the lowest possible occurrence of this common complication.

Capsular contracture is scar tissue that can form around breast implants which may cause the breasts to harden, or to look and feel different, often causing discomfort.  Capsular contracture occurs when internal scar tissue forms a tight or constricting capsule around a breast implant, contracting it until it becomes misshaped and hard.  Unfortunately, it is an unpredictable complication, but it is also the most common complication following breast augmentation surgery.  Statistics show the national average of capsular contracture complications is approximately 15-20%.

Symptoms of capsular contracture usually emerge slowly, and in the majority of cases result within the first year after the procedure.  As firmness increases, the breasts may feel tight or even painful, especially when you are lying on them.  The breasts can appear very round, almost like a ball, and visible rippling may also occur.

There are only a few non-surgical treatments for capsular contracture, depending on the stage of your complication, but the only treatment that guarantees the condition won’t return is the permanent removal of the implants.

Dr. William J. Koenig, of the Quatela Center for Plastic Surgery, takes ten preventive steps to prevent capsular contracture, including the use of the Keller Funnel which prevents implant contamination.  These ten steps keep his complication rates below 1%, well below the industry average.  When considering breast augmentation, be sure to consult with a board certified plastic surgeon.  Their training, experience, skills, and aesthetic eye are critical for a successful outcome.

Dr. Koenig is a double board certified plastic surgeon who specializes exclusively in breast and body procedures and has performed over 3,000 breast augmentation procedures throughout his 25-year career.  For more information or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Koenig, visit our website or call (585) 244-1000 to speak to a Patient Consultant.

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