A Message to our Quatela Family
The official community choice awards - Rochester: 2024 Winner

Thank You Rochester for Voting Us the Best Plastic Surgery Practice

Quatela Center for Plastic Surgery

When everything around us is changing, we want to let you know that the Quatela Center for Plastic Surgery is still here for you.  But just like the world around us, we are evolving and modifying to accommodate the current climate.

Things are changing day by day, hour by hour.  The Quatela Center has been monitoring the COVID-19 crisis closely, and changing practices to keep our staff and our patients safe such as deep office cleaning and limited handshakes.  Currently, we are offering limited phone coverage and have put on hold elective and non-essential surgery and procedures at the advice of the Surgeon General and closed our physical office at the recommendation of our New York State Governor.

With such drastic measures taking place across our state, it is important that you understand why it is so important for us at the Quatela Center to abide by these recommendations.  As a health care office, and specifically a surgery center (Lindsay House Surgery Center), we use equipment daily to protect us during surgeries and procedures.  Personal protective equipment, or PPE, includes the masks, gloves and gowns that we wear on a daily basis to perform our job.  Amidst the current pandemic, these types of PPE are essential to protect the doctors and nurses on the front lines, taking care of critically ill patients across the globe and right here in our own community.  As the number of patients who are sick continues to rise, so does the need for these important items.  By limiting our use of PPE as a practice, we are conserving these resources for the patients and medical professionals who need them most.

There has been a lot of talk in the news and social media about flattening the curve.  And by closing our physical office, that’s exactly how we are doing our part at the Quatela Center.  Limiting the traffic in and out of our building and practicing social distancing can slow the spread of this virus.  By reducing the progression, we are giving the doctors a chance to care for our critically ill without overwhelming the medical system with too many patients than they can care for at a given time.

What does this mean for you as our patients?

As always, we are here for you.  Drs. Quatela, Koenig, Lee and Amalfi are still performing limited essential surgery and seeing patients who have recently had surgery or have acute medical concerns.  We have taken new precautions to keep you and our staff safe during your visit, and we will call you personally to discuss these measures before your appointment.  Our phone lines are still open and a small team is fielding calls and questions from you daily.  If you had an appointment or procedure coming up, expect a phone call from our staff to discuss the best options going forward.

What happens next?

We are excited to introduce telemedicine into our practice.  Our team will ask if you would be interested in a telemedicine visit for your follow-up or new consultation.  These virtual appointments will be private, one-on-one sessions with your doctor and a staff member.  This new approach will allow you to address your questions and concerns and receive customized medical advice right in the comfort of your own home.

If you have been wondering about a procedure or contemplating plastic surgery, take advantage of your time and this technology and book a personal consultation.  As doctors, we feel that this technology and ability to connect with us will be of value to you.  The process is easy, and as doctors, we are looking forward to the enjoyment of being able to connect with our patients in this way.  You bring us so much energy and hope, and we are excited for the future on the other side of this pandemic.

We, at the Quatela Center, vow to continue to provide you with the exceptional care and uplifting experience that you have grown to trust.  We will keep you updated with frequent blog posts about our evolution, and we look forward to seeing you back at the Lindsay House in the near future.

In health and wellness,
Drs. Quatela, Koenig, Lee and Amalfi

To contact the Quatela Center, call (585) 244-1000 or submit a contact form via our website.

2 Responses to A Message to our Quatela Family

    • Ashley Leathersich says:

      Hi Mariana! The cost for lip fillers varies depending on the product used. One of our Patient Consultants would be happy to give you an estimate over the phone, and they can also provide information about scheduling availability. You can reach us by calling our office at 585.244.1000 or submitting a contact form via Quatela.com. Thank you!

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